Sunday, February 22, 2009

Again and again and again and again and again and again

I'm actually liking this one, I think. I talked to Jamie about it and the things I'm going to change about this are, smaller background pattern, I'm going to make it more airy and open, I'm going to edit the copy so that it isn't so misspelled, I'll take the stroke off the images, I'm might try making the shape for them circles, I'm going to unify the color palette (I think colors are a weakness of mine, it seems like some people have their own color palette and usually choose from it, but I don't think I have one of those, and I don't think I want one, I'm want to use all the colors, just better), I'll make the big text bigger, (because if its gonna be big it should be really big).
My problems with this other than aesthetic are that I think people might not see the connection to my collection, but the language that would relate is something familiar to me, it is stark and scientific and military and a lot like other stuff i have worked with. So what I do like about it is that it looks different from anything else I've ever made, I think it works well with the aesthetics of my infographs (which are my favorite part)

Some guidelines that I need to remember to follow for this are that, body copy should be big, objects should never be outlined, and headings should have rule lines. Those are some of the main decisions I've made that I like and need to continue.

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