Friday, November 14, 2008

cranial lightning, thunder, rain, and wind

saving the environment going green
stats to send the blame elsewhere
how much methaine cows produce
how much trash produce
are there worse things than cars
do hamburgers have a larger carbon footprint than cars
video clips of
memorable car commercials include the Allstate commercials with the people sitting zipping by there are more than just
comparison of crash statistics to other things like homicides
visuals of news casters
a person is talking and then a voice comes over the top of it.
services in driving bus drivers taxi drivers, big rig drivers
finding out minimum education for these positions do we need them in the driver seat
wage comparisons to the different drivers
insignificant change in gas mileage since advent of car
diesel petroleum versus plant based
the tessle vehicle was one of the greatest inventions
electric versus gas versus petroleum versus biodiesel sources
visualized through color shifts and representations of electricity versus gasoline versus fossil fuel sources.

ryan bacon on youtube anti shell oil piece
oil dripping to make the type

Commotion in the Ocean of Data

I will be creating a data presentation about driving, cars, and fuel related information.
My vision for this project is a presentation of information about emissions and environmental concerns, impact, issues, and things of that nature
I see the purpose of this work as being an awareness campaign. What effects do petroleum burning vehicles really have, showing possible solutions and presenting options for a better cleaner tomorrow. The context for this I see as being a presentation to companies or a promotion on a fuel cell car dealerships website, something a company like honda would use at a trade show. It would likely be primarily used as a form of web based viral propaganda. I don’t think it would be likely to be seen on television, and the presenter i envision being contained within the presentation, i.e. a voice over narrative.
audience would most likely be people in the market for a new vehicle, as a means to pursued them to turn to alternate fuel/fuel efficient synergy vehicles. it would also be something that would appeal to the younger college environmentally conscious people.
this would be something that

what i like about this is it is really information packed, but done in a way that disguises the information, but really you are getting a lot of stuff all in a truncated comical form. Information about cinema, and current affairs, and history.
I like this again because it is humorous and masks the information, but presents it clearly and uses ethos to do so. We believe it because the supposed scientist is scene as a credible source.

as i was putting this together I was looking at good videos and they are exactly that. videos that have good messages and say good things and are the epitome of good.

okay so i can't link to this i've been having link troubles for some reason but if you go to the client video motion pieces then you can click on the diesel video
this is not the way i want to represent data.

also for mk12 in the same area click on the adult swim video

okay so this isn’t real data but i like the form of it. it is self explanatory doesn’t need a voice over and is funny.

so this is more along the lines of my topic, i like the way they use a the balloon to relate the more abstract idea of volume, with respect to emissions.

this also is a boring information representation but relates to my topic, so how could/would i make something like this interesting. Innovation music, check, clear descriptions, check, single shot, check, cheesy tag line, check. Total snooze-fest.

I chose the project, honestly and most truthfully because i figured most everyone would do the television intro project, and that is the one I initially wanted to pursue, however I have been trying to work in modes that are unappealing to me as a way to familiarize myself with them and become better at working through things that I would rather not do. I think I could have more easily done the show intro, and so this way i’ll be challenging myself. In terms of my portfolio I think that neither one would benefit more than the other because it seems to me that the speed with which a portfolio is viewed (at least in my limited experience) they don’t so much look at the content, so either one would be viewed as a motion piece and they won’t be hearing me describe the project, but rather scrutinizing the skill with which the “object” was created.

Commotion in the Ocean of Data

I will be creating a data presentation about driving, cars, and fuel related information.
My vision for this project is a presentation of information about emissions and environmental concerns, impact, issues, and things of that nature
I see the purpose of this work as being an awareness campaign. What effects do petroleum burning vehicles really have, showing possible solutions and presenting options for a better cleaner tomorrow. The context for this I see as being a presentation to companies or a promotion on a fuel cell car dealerships website, something a company like honda would use at a trade show. It would likely be primarily used as a form of web based viral propaganda. I don’t think it would be likely to be seen on television, and the presenter i envision being contained within the presentation, i.e. a voice over narrative.
audience would most likely be people in the market for a new vehicle, as a means to pursued them to turn to alternate fuel/fuel efficient synergy vehicles. it would also be something that would appeal to the younger college environmentally conscious people.
this would be something that


what i like about this is it is really information packed, but done in a way that disguises the information, but really you are getting a lot of stuff all in a truncated comical form. Information about cinema, and current affairs, and history.


I like this again because it is humorous and masks the information, but presents it clearly and uses ethos to do so. We believe it because the supposed scientist is scene as a credible source.

as i was putting this together I was looking at good videos and they are exactly that. videos that have good messages and say good things and are the epitome of good.

boring ass diesel thing

this is not the way i want to represent data.

fake data

okay so this isn’t real data but i like the form of it. it is self explanatory doesn’t need a voice over and is funny.


so this is more along the lines of my topic, i like the way they use a the balloon to relate the more abstract idea of volume, with respect to emissions.
click on the dashboard image when you are on the page, there wasn’t a direct link

this also is a boring information representation but relates to my topic, so how could/would i make something like this interesting. Innovation music, check, clear descriptions, check, single shot, check, cheesy tag line, check. Total snooze-fest.

I chose the project, honestly and most truthfully because i figured most everyone would do the television intro project, and that is the one I initially wanted to pursue, however I have been trying to work in modes that are unappealing to me as a way to familiarize myself with them and become better at working through things that I would rather not do. I think I could have more easily done the show intro, and so this way i’ll be challenging myself. In terms of my portfolio I think that neither one would benefit more than the other because it seems to me that the speed with which a portfolio is viewed (at least in my limited experience) they don’t so much look at the content, so either one would be viewed as a motion piece and they won’t be hearing me describe the project, but rather scrutinizing the skill with which the “object” was created.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

interactive interactivity

this shows the windsheld wipers erasing the stage so the user can start over. all the preset purple buttons play different music and the steering wheel "honks" and turns when clicked.
this shows the movie windows expanding as they are moused over. this shows the changable background. i thought it was funny to put a cross continent tour of famous places as backdrops for the movie viewing.
here is a shot of the stage with the videos on the windsheild.
this is the final visual and functioning interactive model. the colors lead user through the space and can signal which things are working and which aren't.
initially this wireframe was just a working skeleton to get the actionscript sound. it was never intened to be the final visual but would have sufficed if i was had spent up to the last minute working on the technical aspect.

oakly doakly, so my three sketches here a for possible frameworks of how this thing was going to look the car driving into the garage i nixed because it required animations between buttons clicks, which i found out while making my infograph for vislang, turned out to be an unconscionable pain in the rumproast. the next one i imagined as a plan view of a highway with all the little cars zipping around then pulling over and playing videos when clicked on. this was quickly abandoned because it requried far greater actionscript knowledge than i had currently posssesed; however, i think now i could possibly make an approximation of that original idea, and would like to possibly try at some point. this left me with the dashboard idea, that i pursued, because it could most easily utilize the skills we learned and also allowed for the introduction of new skills it time permitted, which it did.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008