Friday, November 14, 2008

cranial lightning, thunder, rain, and wind

saving the environment going green
stats to send the blame elsewhere
how much methaine cows produce
how much trash produce
are there worse things than cars
do hamburgers have a larger carbon footprint than cars
video clips of
memorable car commercials include the Allstate commercials with the people sitting zipping by there are more than just
comparison of crash statistics to other things like homicides
visuals of news casters
a person is talking and then a voice comes over the top of it.
services in driving bus drivers taxi drivers, big rig drivers
finding out minimum education for these positions do we need them in the driver seat
wage comparisons to the different drivers
insignificant change in gas mileage since advent of car
diesel petroleum versus plant based
the tessle vehicle was one of the greatest inventions
electric versus gas versus petroleum versus biodiesel sources
visualized through color shifts and representations of electricity versus gasoline versus fossil fuel sources.

ryan bacon on youtube anti shell oil piece
oil dripping to make the type

1 comment:

Nick Karn said...