Sunday, November 9, 2008

interactive interactivity

this shows the windsheld wipers erasing the stage so the user can start over. all the preset purple buttons play different music and the steering wheel "honks" and turns when clicked.
this shows the movie windows expanding as they are moused over. this shows the changable background. i thought it was funny to put a cross continent tour of famous places as backdrops for the movie viewing.
here is a shot of the stage with the videos on the windsheild.
this is the final visual and functioning interactive model. the colors lead user through the space and can signal which things are working and which aren't.
initially this wireframe was just a working skeleton to get the actionscript sound. it was never intened to be the final visual but would have sufficed if i was had spent up to the last minute working on the technical aspect.

oakly doakly, so my three sketches here a for possible frameworks of how this thing was going to look the car driving into the garage i nixed because it required animations between buttons clicks, which i found out while making my infograph for vislang, turned out to be an unconscionable pain in the rumproast. the next one i imagined as a plan view of a highway with all the little cars zipping around then pulling over and playing videos when clicked on. this was quickly abandoned because it requried far greater actionscript knowledge than i had currently posssesed; however, i think now i could possibly make an approximation of that original idea, and would like to possibly try at some point. this left me with the dashboard idea, that i pursued, because it could most easily utilize the skills we learned and also allowed for the introduction of new skills it time permitted, which it did.

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