right now initial reaction to packaging is something that could double as a sweat band. i don't think that's the right answer, but something like that. what it is that is lacking in a dancers life? how is the package an extension of their lifestyle? more research, consumer research.
Friday, March 27, 2009
hey smell this i dare you
this post is a bit late, but i wanted to get it in there. also, the title came to me in a dream so i figured i might as well post it. this is my poetic way finding experience, i know you don't get any of the process, i have resolved to be sure to post process for the next userExperience project so don't fret. i enjoyed this project because i got to spend some time drawing i wish more drawing could have been done, but alas time is always against us. i also got to play with the crazy technology scratch and sniff. it was really fun trying to get that to work out, and i'm glad kidwell entertained my stupid notions for the duration of this project. also i like using the wax, that was cool too. I wish i had opened one because then i would have figured out the right way to do it before the projects end. the scratching device should have riped the seel vertically instead of horizontally. FUN!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Blasto Powers_Act_i_VATE!
just some preliminary image and form making, i think i like the code as a texture and it could be useful in color masking over things that will then require the user to put on glasses to see what is beneath, à la josh's experiments. Right now i think it's too much about the screen, but maybe the print materials should look screen-like. and the screen materials look print-like, or maybe that's stupid. i don't know about the logo type, i think i like it but not for this...meh (and a shrug of the shoulders).
ReVizd Paragrizzl and Titloni
Title: Active Perception: typography engaging the user
Active Perception: typography and the user
Input, engage, interact, explore, think, play. In an ever cluttered visual landscape interactivity is a fantastic way to make messages resonate. What ways can typography require input from the viewer both on screen and in print? Active Perception will take a look at current and future perspectives on interactive typography, its challenges and innovations as a new field, and its relationship to traditional type design. There will be international keynote addresses from contributors such as Peter Cho and Siggi Eggertsson, on the practicality and application of interactive typography to design media. There will also be break out sessions discussing the place of interactive type in the design landscape and address issues of graduate and undergraduate education in the field of experimental typography.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
design writing to me
often looks to me like people hanging around modern museums with both eyes together on one side of a face. It is an illusion, of course, generated by Design Writing's predilection for staring fixedly at one side of a question and never seeing the other side at all.
maybe? but other times not.
Revised Peter Paper
Peter Cho was valedictorian of Santa Rosa High School in California, he went on to further his education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering, design, and computation, with minors in architecture and music. He continued at MIT and received his Masters of Science degree in the media arts and sciences.
Peter Cho is interested in the question, “How do you play a letter?” His response to this question lead to the creation of 26 different digital 3D landscapes which serve as a playground for mouse driven interaction with individual letters. He is also known for his experimental type design Forefont which is a result of his personal dissatisfaction with flat texture-mapped type that disappears when rotated in a virtual three-dimensional environment. Forefont appears topographically textured when tilted toward the viewer.
Cho has received various recognitions from ID Magazine, Print Magazine, Ars Electronica and the Tokyo TDC. Peter Cho’s recent projects include installation work for the Asia Society Museum in New York City, interface design for the University of Minnesota Design Institute, and motion and interactive branding pieces for IBM.
TypeCon '09: Pixel Press Paragraph
The conference will explore current and future perspectives on behavioral typography, its challenges and innovations as a new field, and its relationship to traditional type design. It will include international keynote addresses from contributors such as Peter Cho, on the practicality and application of behavioral type to design media (both print and screen based). There will also be break out sessions discussing the place of behavioral typography in the design landscape and issues addressing graduate and undergraduate education in the field of programmed typography.
TypeCon '09: It ain’t your mom’s type and that’s faux-d(amn) sure!
First I brainstormed a list of words that had to do with my Behavioral Type Conference:
up to date
mint condition
Second I came up with possible names:
morphic mark
type automaton
responsive symbols
programing mark-making
refreshed figure
coded setting
faux-d typography (faux as I'm sure you know means false, and so what this means is the type is 4 dimensional because it adds the dimension of time, but since it is screen based the dimension of depth is an illusion or false. Get it?)
faux-d space
faux-d full space
behavioral type
moveable type
evolving faces
active script
scripted letters
letter script
character script
type script
faux-d scripting
movable type
movable stroke
movable serif
scripted serif
scripted signs
binary monotype
pixel press
printing pixel
automated pixel press
Johannes Scriptenberg
Johannes Codenberg
durative type design
programmed marking
living type
Third I realized that maybe people wouldn't get this so I came up with subtitles
a look at programable typography
the future of digital type
the new movable type
a new look at movable type
the future movable type
movable type for the digital age
Fourth I mixed and matched favorites
faux-d typography: the future of digital type
pixel press: the future of interactive typography
scriptCase: movable type for the digital age
type automaton: a look at programmable typography
type scripting: a new look at movable type
faux-d(igital) type: the new movable type
typotopography: type in a digital landscape (*heisted)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Worm Man
what we see is based on our own attitudes environments and or cultural framework creates our perspective
we have to compare things against our lives to understand them
we have so much information to deal with that we constantly have to reevaluate our beliefs and opinions,
only open minded people are capable of doing this
when we explain things we assume people see it as we do
as i was making my maps i was thinking that I’m making these associations between topics, but are they too vague or do they actually have merit that other people will be able to understand and pick up on.
our perceptions are selective
we have a selective attention perception and retention
that is three filters by which information has to get into our brain, it is a wonder that anyone can remember anything at all, what inherent quality is that things have that allows them to get into most of our brains. We all remember september 11th, it was able to get past all three of the filters, for almost every american. do things really just have to be intensely shocking or is there some other quality that it has, innate to its existence that allows it to become memorable.
perception by nature exaggerates
I chose these essays because the ideas presented in both are things that I struggle with, and I’m hoping that through this assignment and taking a closer look at them I will be able to come to some sort of resolution concerning them.
It’s funny, at the beginning of this semester Morgan had me read the Paula Scher article and I agreed with it almost 100%, but after portfolio day and after a projects worth of growth, I don’t think I agree with any of it hardly at all. I think that portfolio day made me realize that if designers don’t want to think then that is fine. I want to think so I am going to continue to, thinking requires others to think with and you need a common vocabulary to speak in, and that is what Scher calls “jargon” she is just too set in her ways to change. That’s fine, but what she has to realize is that just as PostModernism was the “new wave” in design after modernism, so is theory today. We need the theory not to substantiate us as a profession there are plenty of other things to do that for us. We need theory and vocabulary to continue advancing the profession. Newton invented calculous because the math of the day was insufficient to do what he needed it to. I don’t think i have to finish the analogy for you to get my point. OOOOOORRRRRRRYYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Behavioral Type Conference
I think my map makes more clear sense now and I have started thinking about what these things will be practical poetic or persuasive. Now I have to refine the look of the thing. Tighten up the relationship between the verbs and nouns.
here is a revised time-line of events leading up to the actual events. I tried to get more specific with when different things would be design at what phases, I added this commercial series because I think that the nature of my conference, programmable interactive behavioral type, a commercial would be good and relate to the audience
initial conception of event 1 yr
behavioral type event theme
begin design and planning 11 month
come up with event name
design posters
direct mail
email flyers
web commercial
secure conference spaces
secure food services
find lecturers
finish first round print send out 11m end
send email
launch website 10m 2w
people start signing up
post first in web commercial series 10m
update site with lecture list6m
send postcard with lecture list
email lecture list
posters lecture list
web commercial
send out print lecture materials 5m3w
post second web commercial series
design reminders to make trip accomodations 5m
web commercial
send out reminders 4m3w
attendees make trip accomodations 4m2w
post third web commercial series 4m
work on in space wayfinding, lecture, design
work on final commercial
make final reminders
send out final reminders and 1m
post final commercial
set up for show 1day
Monday, March 9, 2009
Processing Fee
It may seem like there has been a void in my blog were my type experiments should be, well worry no longer, i figured out how to put them on the web and have provided some beautiful likes in the descriptions of what they do or how to interact with them. I've ordered them in a way that makes sense as a logical progression of thought.
After learning some preliminary things i did a simple plotting of points to describe the letter A.
I switched over the code from circles, to lines and had pretty interesting results.
Here is that A again changing colors randomly all by itself.
This was a new step with the the 'A' i had been working with, i added the concept of mouse tracking to color in order to change in a more defined way instead of completely randomly.
Lame experiment in motion making.
This is just a goofy drawing study that anchors part of the object to a grown and allows the rest to move with the mouse, this idea comes up later in some of my letter form experiments.
This allows you to draw upon the K letter form and looks at how people make strokes with the less direct method of the mouse. if you click you get squares, and if you keystroke it starts over.
Mouse tracking experiment just move the mouse about.
You can continually drop this ball in new places and he will bounce himself down to a stop.
Click an drop as many O's as you want to. they will bounce them selves to a stop.
Another test on mouse tracking and tracking the previous mouse position so that his feet lag. I didn't design this guy, his name is zoog and he is from a book on learning processing.
This little fella has been creating lots of smiles, he just bounces indefinitely and if you click you can drop him in different places, he changes shades of red based on location as well.
The culmination of my processing excursion this allows the user to interact with different letters in different ways, some manipulate the size, or stroke weight some require you to figure out how to make the letter forms and thus are looking at construction, and others change randomly, so hold down the letter as you explore with the mouse.
cerebrum cartogram
My time line starts from the first advert of the event and goes until the person attending gives their own lecture, as i am writing this i realize that there isn't a proper beginning or end. The beginning is really the initial conception of the idea to have the type conference, then there is a bunch of planning that need to be included and the end should be go home, after the person attending gives their lecture or presentation or whatever. So a slight under-sight on my part but this is still preliminary so i'll make the necessary adjustments and move forward. As the whales say, :: translation:: "you can't always get everything right every time".
oh yeah conference time, i hope there aren't any whale sized spelling errors in my mind map.