Monday, February 8, 2010

DP: Timeline

Week 3
—brian storm what the different queries will be for the task scenario mock ups
Week 4
—begin gathering all data for the different task scenarios
—continue gathering data
Week 5
—finish gathering data
—wireframe of layout
Week 6
—wireframe of layout refinement
—story board task senarios and gather any missing data
Week 7
—begin formal designing
—continue designing
Week 8
—still designing
—still designing
Week 9
—settle on a design solution
—design all pages necessary
Week 10
—design all pages necessary
—design all pages necessary
Week 11
—design all pages necessary
— start animating task scenarios
Week 12
— continue animating task scenario
— continue animating task scenario
Week 13
— continue animating task scenario
— continue animating task scenario
Week 14
— continue animating task scenario
— continue animating task scenario

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