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What I hoped to Achieve for this Site:
For this site I wanted to create an experience that was unlike any interactive web experience currently available. I also wanted to think about interaction in a different way, and eliminate the need for clicking.
Rational for the Design Decisions I Made:
So I made the decision to use the webcam so that the user can directly interact with the site. They are really playing with the site, not just mousing around, I feel like this creates a more immersive interactive experience.
What you Learned Through This Process:
Through this process I learned that it is really difficult to create that experience. Whenever you try to do things that people aren't doing it requires a large amount of "jerry rigging" to make them work, until a time when these things catch on and they start to build functionality like this in to the programs as a standard.
What I am Most Proud of:
I got it to work damnit! It isn't great, but it really works.
What I Struggled with Most:
Getting it to work, and trying to do my own work while also trying to help everyone. I have a really hard time saying no when people ask me for help because I really learn a lot solving other peoples problems. It's a great learning tool. It was really hard though to do that and still get my own done, especially if I was in the middle of something then had to stop, because restarting always takes a long time to re-remember what I was doing. Ugh.