Tuesday, October 27, 2009

VA: Names, & Descriptions & Things

Possible Project Names

—Tag Along

—Tag Along KC

—Save Money, Save the Planet: Tag Along (38 characters)

—Carpooling in Kansas City

—Share Your Ride

—Drive Lite

—Road Lite

—Lite Road

Project Description

Kansas City, like any major city, has a problem with rush hour traffic. The commute is slow and dangerous with people zipping around each other to get to work on time. The main problem here is these people are in their cars ALONE! What I’ve created is a tool to connect these morning rush hour commuters, not only based on destination, but schedule as well. These commuters are busy and have an ever changing schedule, so why limit the idea of carpooling to the same carpool companion every day. Why not draw from every commuter? and create a flexible system that facilitates and encourages people to ride with anyone goin’ their way.


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