Tuesday, October 21, 2008

what i found

this example, i think, is supposed to give an uneasy feeling to the viewer. obviously it is taking place during a tropical storm and not a bright sunny day, so the it is supposed to be fearful, and the black and white immediately makes this a "serious" photo. the low angle of the shot puts the viewer below the subject matter perhaps saying something about natures power over us.

this example is obviously supposed to strike a sympathetic and pity cord in the viewer. again the black and white makes the subject matter serious. now we are looking down on the subject putting us in a position of superiority over them, which allows us to feel pity. the position coupled with the condition of the figures makes them appear even more helpless.

this more light hearted example is meant to be optimistic. the figure is slightly above vertical center and is centered horizontally giving comfort to the viewer. his head is slightly tilted and is peering inquisitively at the viewer. this photograph takes an positive look at its subject.

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