Thursday, September 18, 2008


My formal approach to this project was to use cut paper, and illustration with water color was a way of communicating my humorous concepts. The cut paper references the way a real pinata would have been made and the water color tones relate to the Hispanic visual landscape. the choice to ornament the luchador mask was a way of relating further to Hispanics by utilizing a style they would recognize.
I used parody to make my luchador poster. The pardoy of uncle sam is made more subtle by reducing the image to a head and hands. The visual and verbal pun of the pinata poster not only relates the poster do the hispanic culture but relates the hispanic culture to voting by replacing something synonimous with the voting process with something they would recognize. I chose to use these two devices because I felt they lent themselves most readily to humor, which is something I have been trying to use in my work more, because humor is a part of who i am. Working with humor is an attempt at making my work more honest.

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